Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12
INT. DRAKE COTTAGE - DAY 2 1/41 A truly vacant space. The smallest of worker’s cottages. A kitchen, a bedroom, a small washing chamber. On the sideboard - a solitary cup and plate washed and upturned. DRAKE - washed, in front of a mirror. The bruises and cuts about his hands. Hands that turn to his uniform. A clothes- brush swept across it; brass buttons polished on his tunic; black boots polished. These tasks somehow completed, he turns to a small table. On it - a book. Check the title - Etiquette For The Modern Gentleman. How Manners Maketh The Man. It’s some kind of Victorian self-help manual. But DRAKE clearly takes it very seriously. The book is well-thumbed, sections underlined and ticked off. Then - from a pocket he’s placing a couple of crowns inside a small brass tin. Placing the tin back inside a bare cupboard. INT. 22 TENTER STREET / JACKSON’S ROOMS - DAY 2 1/41A Small. A bed. A basin. An examining table and a sooty overhead light. On the wall - a few entirely spurious and florid medical qualifications. Various solutions in jars. And Jackson on his knees, pulling storage crates out from underneath. Inside: various phials, all labelled - Dr. Jackson’s Topical Remedy . Not what he’s looking for. Pushes it aside. Reaches for another crate. Examines its contents -- JACKSON Got you. INT. LEMAN STREET - COMMUNICATIONS ROOM - DAY 2 1/42 The Type Printing Telegraph - clattering away. A strip of paper sprouting from it. Hands ripping it off. Moving to the door, throwing it open to the clamour of Leman Street and -- HOBBS (gleeful triumph) Send a runner for Mr. Reid. (beat) VARIOUS ARCHIVED IMAGES 1/43 The Victorian Steam Engine dream. Maps and machines and advertisements. A new age! EXT. FINCHLEY - DAY 2 1/44 The sounds of a railway engine departing. Smoke in the air perhaps. He’ll be taking the Metropolitan - Finchley’s missing a violinist.
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