Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12
And Reid and Drake - turning out on to this wide street. DRAKE It’s the call to send them underground that troubles me, sir. Seems unnatural. REID Well - they’re building more. More trains, digging more tunnels. It means the city can spread out - and we can stop living like rats. Drake - looking around him. The trees, the grass. Genteel, * peaceful, entirely to be desired. DRAKE What? And come live on these streets? REID Would you like that, Bennet? DRAKE (may as well walk on water) I’d like many things, sir. REID - a sad little smile for that. And on they walk. Until -- DRAKE Left here. Number 42. Left they turn. REID, noticing an impressive coach parked * opposite - two black horses, plumage, a coachman. On they go, * past small but tended front gardens. Down a pathway. To a * door that’s hanging open... REID - casting DRAKE a curious look, calling out -- REID Mr. Thwaites, sir? It’s the police. From inside - a clattering, a crash of something being turned over. REID and DRAKE on the move. I/E. THWAITES HOUSE - DAY 2 1/45 * A pair of boots - suspended mid-air, thrashing. A CHAIR * KICKED OVER beside them. Above - A MAN in his 30s (CHRISTIAN * THWAITES), hanged by rope from a high ceiling, his face puce * and distorted, CHOKING. Desperate hands clawing at the rope * about his throat. * REID - to the man in an instant, his shoulder forgotten. Thrusting the legs upwards. But - from the interior of the * house. Another NOISE, a CRASHING. *
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