Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12
And Drake is racing through in an instant. Sees -- * The window bust open and two GREATCOATS sprinting away across * the front garden and boarding that coach, its door held open * by THIS MAN - 30s, aristocratic, saturnine. DONALDSON. He * meets Drake’s eye - the briefest moment. And the coach is * gone. * Drake - every instinct in him willing to give chase, but -- * REID (O.S.) * Drake! With me! I cannot hold him. * Thwarted for now, he turns back in. * Sees REID - grimacing with the weight of the struggling man -- * REID * Your knife! * Drake - producing a blade from the inside of his coat. Moves * to them. * OMITTED 1/46 *
1/47 *
INT. 22 TENTER STREET / JACKSON’S ROOMS - DAY 2 1/48 TIGHT ON: a few dog-eared photographs of women posed in their underwear. And Jackson - starting - as Long Susan barges in. LONG SUSAN What did he want? JACKSON Weren’t you taught to knock? LONG SUSAN The day you pay rent, I’ll knock. What did Reid want? (then) Is that maniac on the strut again? JACKSON Who? Reid? Susan shoots him contempt for the lame joke.
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