Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12
THWAITES I’ve told you - I have no idea who they were. REID No. I mean - there was trouble taken to make it appear self- slaughter. As if guilt or shame had driven you to it. In any event - they wanted your silence. But just
what is it that they feared you might speak of? What shame Mr. Thwaites? REID - setting the pornographic cards of ROSE down in front of THWAITES; that over-exposed image too -- REID (CONT’D) This shame? THWAITES - a collapse taking place from within, a crumbling -- REID How far and how openly did your wife share her intimacy? Reid waits. Studies the man’s pallor; everything broken within. Still he waits. Until -- THWAITES
Everything she did, she did for us. For me - so that my pride might not be ruined. (he looks down) When I found her - she lived near here. In Whitechapel. She played for the children of the orphanage on Criterion Street. From where I hoped to deliver her. My church group - we raise supplies for a number of poor schools in the borough. I loved her immediately. I took candied oranges for the orphans and left with a wife. (beat) My wife was not a prostitute, Inspector. DRAKE No one has accused her of that, Mr. Thwaites. THWAITES (across him; eyes on REID) Before I married her, however... she confessed to a certain - practicality.
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