Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12
REID But then, as you say, you delivered her... THWAITES I did. I promised her comfort and dignity; pupils to be taken in her own home. DRAKE And she deceived you.
THWAITES - the most rueful of smiles -- THWAITES No Sergeant - the deception was mine. (beat) My employment was not as secure as I thought. I had no grounds to promise her those things. (another beat) Her home, even her violin - I mortgaged it all. REID - beginning to understand now -- REID So she returned here. (beat) Fortunate for you that she was so practical. THWAITES - he can’t even bring himself to look at REID. DRAKE Where did she go? THWAITES I don’t know. DRAKE Who did she go to? THWAITES I don’t know. REID Mr. Thwaites - Sergeant Drake fights London Prize Ring tonight. It’s unwise to rile him. THWAITES just laughs at that --
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