RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


JACKSON It’s roll-film, isn’t it? For that new box-camera... REID

No - it’s wider than that. Built for broader spools. A much bigger device. DRAKE Like these? DRAKE - found a box of self-made wooden spools. REID Yes like those. JACKSON - studying the film. Innocent images these - a bird in a cage, but -- JACKSON Look at this. All exactly the same. REID Show me. JACKSON does so. But as they confer - a sharp noise. They turn for the entrance. See a figure silhouetted there -- REID (CONT’D) Creighton. But then the phosphorous glow of a CIGARETTE LIGHTER. A flame connecting to something else - one of those rolls of film, it FLARES ALIVE as -- CREIGHTON - illuminated, looks at an aghast REID and -- REID (CONT’D) No. CREIGHTON tosses what is now a strip of fire directly into a box at REID’S feet. More film. HUNGRY FOR THE FLAMES. A sudden conflagration. EXT. CREIGHTON BASEMENT - NIGHT 1/68 CREIGHTON - taking up that sledgehammer, sliding it through the brackets of the steel door. And calmly walking away. INT. CREIGHTON HOME - BASEMENT - NIGHT 1/69 The fire - spreading eagerly. REID - bounding past it. Hurling himself at the basement door. But there’s no give whatsoever. He turns back, sees -- DRAKE - moving to a cistern. And throwing water to douse the flames.



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