RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


JACKSON In the right circles - it would make them a mint. DRAKE Then they’d make more. REID - the same ghastly thought has taken root in him as well. He jabs at DONALDSON’S ghoulish likeness -- REID This man. We have to find this man. OMITTED. CONTENT MOVED TO 1/81




I/E. LEMAN STREET - BOOKING OFFICE - DAY 1/78 Broad shoulders and a dark suit, mounting the Leman Street steps and throwing the doors open. Abberline - striding through the booking office toward where Artherton, rook-like, sits at the dock -- ABBERLINE Artherton. I’ve come for her. (beat) Where’s Reid. Artherton - a look for Abberline. Jerks his thumb away -- ARTHERTON The Inspector addresses his men. Abberline - returning that look, passing on through. INT. LEMAN STREET - OUTER OFFICE - DAY 1/78A Abberline sees all the MEN gathered, REID stood out front -- REID All your snitches - every tart, landlord, bully or thief. He’ll be refined, wealthy, ruthless. DRAKE and HOBBS - passing the print of DONALDSON to the MEN. They look, pass it on -- REID (CONT’D) We only have these pictures. And we have no name... Those prints - passed hand to hand. And Abberline - stepping forward. Taking them in his hands. His face - sudden recognition; a dismay in him, but -- ABBERLINE His name is Sir Arthur Donaldson.


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