Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12
REID - his eyes flying across the room to meet those of his old boss. EXT. LEMAN STREET - DAY 1/79 Carriages waiting. DRAKE and a phalanx of UNIFORMS assembled. And REID and ABBERLINE stood apart and alone. ABBERLINE - he’s stiff, brings forth the information with the discomfort of a man who knows he’s proved wrong -- ABBERLINE Summer ‘86. (beat) Before your time here. (another beat) Omnibus. Charged him but - man from such a family... as like to do Jug as Victoria herself. (beat) The address is all we ever had for him. REID - he knows what it is the man had given up here. Lays a hand on his shoulder -- REID Thank you, Fred. ABBERLINE Go. He got his cock out at a church picnic in Victoria Park. Week or two later, tore the blouse off a pregnant woman on the Stepney REID nods. Withdraws his hand, turns to join DRAKE and the UNIFORMS as they board the carriages and tear-arse away. ABBERLINE - watching them go. A sudden sadness in him - he has one look for the frontage of his old shop, then he’s turning away, his impeccable black suit disappearing into the 1/80 JACKSON - his hands dressed for burns, an urgency about him as he makes his way into the brothel. Finds -- JACKSON Where’s Rose, Susan? SUSAN - taking in his hands; entirely cool with him -- LONG SUSAN I’m afraid Rose isn’t with us today, Mr. Jackson. Will one of our other girls serve? free-for-all of the streets. INT. 22 TENTER STREET - DAY
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