RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


THE FILM: MAUDE THWAITES - her neck CRACKING at this moment of ecstacy. She slumps - quite dead - at DONALDSON’S feet. DONALDSON - his rampant excitement, turning to CREIGHTON -- DONALDSON Shall we make another? CREIGHTON (terse; frightened) I need light. DONALDSON Imagine - a little thing like that stood between us and our enrichment! Light you shall have. And he grabs ROSE by the hair again hand, drags her from the armchair, moves to a set of doors and throws them open. Sunlight floods the room. CREIGHTON - squinting out on to a totally secluded ornamental garden. Huge walls rising up and encircling it. THE WALLS PAINTED AND DECORATED AS THE BACKDROP FOR THOSE SCENES OF PHAROANIC EGYPT. Rose - her utter terror. And she goes for him. Kicking and biting and scratching for her life. But Donaldson is way too strong for her. Two more heavy blows send her flying out into the daylight. INT. LEMAN STREET - CELLS - DAY 1/88 Reid - upright outside this closed cell door. Terrible sounds of Smeaton’s beating and agony emerge from within. SMEATON (O.S.) He lives in Mayfair! DRAKE (O.S.) We know that. He does no longer. More blows. More screams. Reid’s face is steel -- SMEATON (O.S.) There’s another place. I only went there once. They wanted amphetamine. From Germany. There’s a Kraut at the docks I know... DRAKE (O.S.) Where! And then Drake is in the doorway. His shirtsleeves rolled up, a fleck of blood on his shirt front; more on his knuckles. REID Well?


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