Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12
ABBERLINE (cont'd)
He lives still; he breathes this air still. These streets demand your vigilance. REID
No. We did everything in our power. Used every instrument allowed to us and many that weren’t. All that is demanded now is - he is gone. And stays gone. And REID gets to his feet. Looks down on his old comrade -- REID He will own my life no more. And he’s turned and gone. Past all those COPPERS. They nod for him, clear and full respect in their eyes. ABBERLINE - just a sad man in a corner, as -- EXT. LEMAN STREET - DAY 1/97 REID keeps walking. Out the pub, back into the clamour of the streets. His streets, his manor. Striding on. END OF EPISODE
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