RS Ep1 - YELLOW AMENDS - 100412.fdx Script

Episode One - YELLOW AMENDS - 10/04/12


DRAKE Sir. We can’t keep ‘em penned much longer. REID (of the area around him) But this is vital. All of it. (the lantern) And this is next to useless. (beat) I need this place uncorrupted and in daylight.

But DRAKE is distracted by something. His eyes move beyond REID, to the wall behind, only now lit by his own lantern glow -- REID (CONT’D) (cont’d) What is it? DRAKE The wall. He’s left word again. REID turns, his light thrown ahead of him. Both men aghast at what they see. On the wall - thick, ill-formed letters. But the message entirely clear. DOWN ON WHORES. REID (almost a plea, this) I need more time with her. DRAKE Sir. There’s the way things are and the way they should be, but that lot are coming through... REID - a contained fury. Knows there’s nothing for it -- REID Then we have to move her. Get the Maria brought through. DRAKE - on it immediately. Turns back to the crowds. REID - turning to CREIGHTON -- REID (CONT’D) You. You’re not finished. I want the cobbles - running in all directions away from her. As many as you can get. The wall, that writing too. Understand? CREIGHTON does, steps away as REID crouches to the body --

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