In an instant, the tunnel transforms into a CAVE FULL OF FIRE- FLIES... TRACERS RICOCHET off the tight concrete ceiling and walls... the SEALs return fire, stuck out in the open... THWACK!... Mallory, the dog handler, takes a slug to the throat and goes down... Reece HEADSHOTS the Loyalist who shot his man... But when one enemy falls there are two more to replace him... REECE (CONT’D) One’s base! Two’s back! The AMBUSH forces the SEALs back into the large section filled with I.E.D.s. RAMIREZ pulls Mallory to cover. Zeke WHINES at the site of his handler’s blood. Ramirez rips open a med pack, pressing CELOX GAUZE into Mallory’s wound. RAMIREZ Hang on, Mal. You’re good. WITH REECE: firing on the LOYALISTS in front of them, well aware of the DOZENS of tripwires. They are so far from good. REECE Donny, hold here. We can’t go any deeper! EXT. SNIPER’S HIDE -- NIGHT Up top, KANG and his Spotter keep eyes on the quiet compound. But they can hear the CHAOS over the comms. COMM TECH (OVER COMMS) November Zero One, this is Hammerhead. Repeat... Pass SITREP... Kang takes his eyes off the scope for half a second. KANG The fuck is going on down there? Out of nowhere, Jansen sees MULTIPLE SPARKS appear from the Compound windows. The SPARKS grow larger, until he realizes: JANSEN Incoming! BOOM!!! RPGs level the sniper’s hide with a DIRECT HIT. EXT. SYRIAN COASTLINE -- MOUTH OF TUNNEL -- NIGHT The EXPLOSION that takes out the snipers LIGHTS up the night sky. Boozer looks at the gunboat IDLING off shore.
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