Terminal, The - pilot


KA-FUCKING-BOOM... The tunnels ERUPT... RAMP DOWN: The SHOCKWAVE blows Reece backward into the waste water... the flames LICK the surface above him... FULL SPEED: The flames set off the other booby trapped CHARGES in the tunnel where the SEALs are hunkered down... BOOM! BOOM! BOOM!... FLAMES engulf the SEALs and LOYALISTS in a Maelstrom of fire. EXT. SYRIAN COASTLINE -- MOUTH OF TUNNEL -- NIGHT A MASSIVE FIREBALL shoots out the mouth of the tunnel, DWARFING Boozer, who ducks to the side... INT. WASHINGTON D.C. WAR ROOM -- DAY The DRONE FEED shows THE PLUME OF HEAT exiting the tunnel... SEC DEF HARTLEY ‘The hell was that? The T.O.C.’s frantic voices FILL the war room... COMMANDER COX (OVER SPEAKERS) November Zero One! Do you copy-- COMM TECH (OVER SPEAKERS) I lost Alpha--! INT. TUNNELS -- SAME Back in the tunnels, Reece emerges from the waste water, GASPING for breath. Ears RINGING. His world on fire... Reece holds his head. BLOOD coats his hands. His helmet is gone. He spots a helmet floating in the water and grabs it... but there’s a fucking head inside... Donny Mitchell’s... Reece drops it, horrified, then stumbles through the flame, looking for any survivors... But there’s no one left... Until, a LONE FIGURE emerges through the fire... BOOZER. BOOZER (ECHOING/DISTANT) They’re gone, boss! Reece, concussed out of his mind shoves Boozer off of him and keeps searching the charred remains... Reece wobbles. Boozer puts his shoulder under his Commander and starts hauling Reece back towards the boat...

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