Terminal, The - pilot


INT. WASHINGTON D.C. WAR ROOM -- DAY A different kind of chaos. Confusion of overlapping orders. ANGLE ON: Sec Def Hartley briefly overwhelmed by the loss, but then buttoning up her emotion. She turns off the tablet and rises, staring daggers at the rumpled CIA LIAISON. SEC DEF HARTLEY Golden ticket?... The analyst wilts, knowing his career’s over. Hartley exits. EXT./INT. GUNBOAT -- NIGHT UNDER FIRE from LOYALISTS on the banks, Boozer HAULS Reece into the rear of the gunboat... Boozer lays Reece against the side of the hold and quickly WRAPS Reece’s head wound... BOOZER Fucking hold on, boss. We’ll get you home-- Chaotic CHATTER bleeds back from the COCKPIT, as the Crewmen communicate with T.O.C. and an AC-130 FLYING IN ABOVE... GUNBOAT CREWMAN (INTO COMMS) SPECTRE FOUR SEVEN, this is FAST TRACK, over. We are a waterborne craft moving north west marked by IR strobes. Target is enemy troops in the open on the shoreline 150 yards south east of our position... BOOZER Let’s go!!! The CREWMEN SLAM the gunboat in gear... getting the fuck out of Dodge... Boozer leaps up to RAISE the REAR DOOR... AC-130 COMMUNICATIONS (OVER COMMS) Good Copy, Fast Track. Be advised, QRF inbound. Rounds away. The RADIO CHATTER becomes a DISTANT ECHO as we go TIGHT ON Reece, eyes glazed, BLOOD covering half his face... The sound FADES until it’s just REECE’S HEARTBEAT... Through the cargo bay door, Reece watches an AC-130 GUNSHIP rain down SHELLS that turn the LOYALISTS on the bank into DUST... Then TWO MV-22 OSPREY fly past overhead, ready to help mop up the mess... Reece’s HEARTBEAT SLOWS... and SLOWS... As Reece finally loses consciousness... CUT TO BLACK. OVER BLACK:

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