REECE I know what went wrong, asshole. That place was packed with explosives and armed loyalists waiting to ambush us. The new SDF panicked. And that’s when everything went to hell. Bridger closes his notebook, clearly concerned. AGENT BRIDGER Commander, we can play you more audio logs. We can even show you GoPro footage recovered off the dog. It all
points to Mitchell triggering the explosives in the tunnels. Now, please, take a moment to review the evidence... then let us know if you’d like to revise your statement.
Bridger nods to Stubbs who plays another audio clip. The FIREFIGHT RAGES. Ramirez tries to calm Donny Mitchell down. DONNY’S VOICE (RECORDING) I’m burning up, Ram... RAMIREZ’S VOICE (RECORDING) Chill the fuck out, Donny... We got you. We got this, brother... Donny, come back-- REECE’S VOICE (RECORDING) Donny, NOOO!!! THE EXPLOSION wipes the recording to STATIC... As Reece listens, trying to understand things he can not remember... CUT TO: INT. HOSPITAL -- EXAM ROOM -- DAY A BLAZING LIGHT hovers in front of camera. WIDER: Reece sits on the edge of an exam table, looking shaken, as a MILITARY M.D. (55, Dr. Sladkin, comfortable in his role as an unsung hero) performs a clearance exam. DR. SLADKIN Commander, you’re in remarkable shape all things considered. The Doctor heads to a MEDICINE CABINET.
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