Terminal, The - pilot


DR. SLADKIN (CONT’D) You’re cleared to fly. I’m going to recommend a follow up stateside. And these should help with the recovery. He hands Reece a bottle of small GREEN PILLS. REECE What about memory loss, Doc? DR. SLADKIN Sorry? REECE Could the concussion affect my recall of the operation? DR. SLADKIN

That’s possible. When the brain bounces inside the cranial cavity, neurons stretch and tear. Your physical injuries can recover, but neural pathways can take more time. REECE How much time?

Dr. Sladkin heads over to an X-RAY of Reece’s skull and brain hanging on a light board. There’s clear signs of bruising. DR. SLADKIN

Back in Iraq ’06/7/8, the heyday of the I.E.D. we had five x-rays a day that looked like yours. Guys were considered lucky to walk away from an IED hit, but they could suffer long

after. Today, with the Nootropics we’re prescribing, chances at a full recovery are much higher. The Doctor writes a final medical release & instructions. DR. SLADKIN (CONT’D) If I was worried, Commander, I wouldn’t let you fly. Just take it easy. Plenty of rest. And no alcohol. As he hands Reece his medical discharge... CUT TO: INT. INCIRLIK AIRFIELD BAR -- DAY TIGHT ON: two shots of HIGH WEST RYE being poured.

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