REECE (CONT’D) Glad you were here to bring them home. PRITCHARD (solemn) Ride or die, sir.
EXT. AIR STATION PARKING LOT -- DAY As the ceremony ends, Reece searches for Boozer. But still no sign. He must have gotten his own ride. Reece pulls out his phone to order an uber when he spots BEN EDWARDS (45, salt & pepper hair, sleeve tattoo, Hawaiian Shirt) approaching. BEN Don’t even think of calling that Uber. I ain’t letting some rando pick you up today. After a beat, they embrace in a bear hug. Oldest of friends. BEN (CONT’D) Come on, brother. Let’s get ya home. Reece takes a last look around for Boozer, then tosses his backpack in the back of Ben’s vintage BRONCO. INT. BEN’S BRONCO -- MOVING -- DAY Cruising through the quiet streets of Coronado, a picturesque suburb that’s home to some of the world’s most highly trained killers. Reece stares out at the WELL-MANICURED LAWNS. TEENS washing cars in driveways. The FLAGS hung at half-mast. BEN Word gets out quick on the island. Families talk, even if WarCom is buttoned up tighter than a frog’s ass. The significance of the flags brings it all back for Reece. BEN (CONT’D) Gonna tell me what went down? REECE I assumed the Agency read you in. BEN No one’s saying shit at the Agency either. Reece is putting on a good game face.
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