YOUNG COP Sir, this is a potential crime sc-- The cop gets out half a warning. Reece YANKS the cop’s outstretched arm forward, and uses the kid’s momentum to pull him into an ARM BAR that drops the cop in a HEAP OF PAIN. INT. BOOZER’S CONDO -- CONTINUOUS Reece ducks crime scene tape and enters Boozer’s bachelor pad, a shrine to fly fishing and hunting. It’s surprisingly clean. And aside from the TWO DETECTIVES dusting for prints in the living room, nothing seems out of sorts downstairs... HOMICIDE DETECTIVE (noticing Reece) Hey! You can’t be in here-- Reece ignores them and mounts the stairs... He reaches... BOOZER’S BEDROOM And stops cold. REVERSE TO: DRIED BLOOD SPLATTER on the wall... DRIED BLOOD crusts the pillows... You can still see Sir, you assaulted an officer. Let me see your hands... REVEAL: The Homicide Detective stands behind Reece, one hand on the weapon in his holster. Captain Howard arrives in the room, trying to talk Reece down. CAPTAIN HOWARD Reece-- REECE the impression left by a body in the bed... Reece stands there, trying to understand. HOMICIDE DETECTIVE (O.S.) (CONT’D)
I was with this man today. He was fine. There’s no way he would have shot himself. HOMICIDE DETECTIVE What do you mean today? CAPTAIN HOWARD This is the Commanding Officer you called for--
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