Terminal, The - pilot



Petty Officer Vickers arrived home three days ago and turned his Glock on himself that same night. REECE He used the team pistol? CAPTAIN HOWARD Well, his own Glock. But yes, it was a confirmed suicide via 9 millimeter. (beat)

You sure you’re ready for the week ahead, Commander? We could invent a reason for you to be absent. Reece snaps out of it. No way he’s missing those funerals. REECE Sir, I’ll be there. (re: his missing hat) And I’ll have my cover. CAPTAIN HOWARD Good. Appearances will be important for those families. As Captain Howard returns to the Admin offices, Reece looks down at the business card in his hand. ANGLE ON: DR. PETER O’HALLORAN THE ENGRAM CLINIC -- DEEP NEUROLOGY TORREY PINES Reece unconsciously rubs the scar on his head, suddenly feeling every bit his age. He gets into... HIS LAND CRUISER Reece UNLOCKS the glove box and stuffs the Engram card inside. That’s when Reece notices his own GLOCK 9 MIL staring back at him. Off Reece, mind turning... EXT. CORONADO MARINA -- SUNSET TIGHT ON: an OSPREY circles the grey skies, then dives to catch a fish. FIND: Reece watching the bird from the back of Ben’s 36 foot Bowman sailboat. Up on deck, Ben furls the main sail. BEN

They say the early bird catches the worm, but on the water, birds eat anytime they damn well please.

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