Terminal, The - pilot


Reece approaches the casket in his DRESS BLUES. Pritchard and Bravo Platoon stand in line behind him. Reece pulls his GOLDEN TRIDENT from his uniform, places the pin on the casket lid, and HAMMERS it into the polished wood THWACK! ... CUT TO: EXT./INT. SEAL TEAM BUILDING -- DAY Reece enters the TEAM building on the edge of the Pacific. Reece exits the 3rd Floor elevator and enters what is part SEAL museum, part office space, part hi-tech library. Reece checks out a SIPRNET (pronounced sipper-net for Secret Internet Protocol Router Network) SMART CARD with his I.D. He approaches a computer in front of an AMAZING VIEW OF THE PACIFIC and slots the SMART CARD into the machine. Reece has one thing on his mind. He opens a search on the “closed-net” database and types in: “DR. JAHAN KAHANI.” Classified Reports come up with HEADINGS that read: “QUDS FORCES’ MOST DEADLY.”; “CHEMICAL WEAPONS LINKED TO IRAN.”; “SEAL TEAM 7 MISSION DEBRIEFS: KAHANI.” SEC DEF HARTLEY (V.O.) Today, we honor the loss of Silver Star recipient... EXT. POINT LOMA CEMETERY -- DAY A new day. A new crowd of mourners and dignitaries. Though slightly fewer attendees sit in the gallery. SEC DEF HARTLEY ...Ensign George Kang. Reece and Bravo Platoon stand at the Sniper’s coffin. Reece HAMMERS his TRIDENT into the wooden lid... THWACK... CUT TO: EXT. THE REECE HOUSE -- DAY Reece pulls into the drive. As he walks Lucy up the steps, he notices an UNMARKED SEDAN parked down the street. Tinted windows. Impenetrable. Ominous. Reece stares, unsettled. He takes Lucy inside. Heads towards the car, but it drives off. SEC DEF HARTLEY (V.O.) Today, we honor the loss of Silver Star recipient... EXT. FUNERAL MONTAGE -- SERIES OF SHOTS Another day. Another funeral. There’s a rhythm to the montage. With each scene, Reece looks increasingly isolated as he leads the SEALs towards the coffin and removes his pin.

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