REECE (eager to contribute)
I’ve been focusing my research on Kahani as well. I think he may be moving his chemical warfare operation into Iraq. I’d like to be there when we... capture him.
Reece means “kill” him. He’s getting into Classified territory now. Hartley chooses her words carefully. SEC DEF HARTLEY You know, I edited that story about my father in Vietnam. He was
actually shot down doing napalm runs from a Chinook Helicopter. They’d blind drop barrels on the enemy. One crewman -- usually my father -- would lean out a door and ignite the payload with a well- timed thermite grenade. He got so good at it they started calling him Hellfire Hartley. (beat) I take after my father, Commander. And when Kahani’s dead, I’ll make sure you’re the first to know.
The Attaches open a door for Hartley. Reece watches the motorcade pull away and his SEALs depart, suddenly jealous that someone else will get to exact his revenge. INT. REECE’S LAND CRUISER -- DRIVING -- DAY The Land Cruiser drives past the San Diego airport on one side and a view of Coronado Naval Air Station on the other. Reece drives, lost in thought. Lauren checks her purse. LAUREN Do you have any twenties? Reece notices something in his REARVIEW: An UNMARKED FORD TAURUS switches lanes a bit too quickly four cars back. LAUREN (CONT’D) Reece... (he finally looks at her)
Do you have any money for the babysitter? I forgot to hit the bank-- Maybe we can just use Venmo. REECE Lucy shoulda’ come today.
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