Terminal, The - pilot


KATIE I didn’t mean to imply you did. But if we neglect our best soldiers, the public has a right to know. REECE I don’t leak. KATIE That word doesn’t apply here,

Commander. You’d be telling your story. And you’d be telling it to someone who isn’t obligated to a chain of command. Just the truth. Reece stares at Boozer’s note on the table... INT. INCIRLIK AIRFIELD BAR -- FLASHBACK Boozer puts a reassuring hand on Reece’s shoulder... BOOZER Don’t worry, boss. Like the doc said, it’ll all come back. INT. THE REECE HOUSE -- KITCHEN -- PRESENT The memory so real... Reece finally asks Katie what he wanted to ask her when he first reached out. REECE Just tell me one thing. That day I met you, was there anyone with me? Katie can see how much Reece wants her to say ‘yes.’ But... KATIE You were alone, Commander. Off Reece, staring at the hard evidence on his kitchen table. INT. THE REECE HOUSE -- LUCY’S BEDROOM -- NIGHT Lucy sleeps soundly. Lauren closes a book and tucks it away. She can hear the muffled sounds of Reece leading Katie to the front door. Reece’s FOOTSTEPS pass in the hall, heading to... INT. THE REECE HOUSE -- MASTER BEDROOM -- NIGHT Reece keys open a GUNSAFE in his bedside table... and locks his Glock away. He looks down at his hand, trembling. LAUREN (O.S.) You need to make that appointment.

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