Terminal, The - pilot


INT. THE REECE HOUSE -- NIGHT -- SERIES OF SHOTS --Reece opens his bedroom closet, finding his DRESS BLUES. He stares at the uniform, then shoves it aside to reveal a PANEL in the back wall. He opens it. Tucked inside, A GO BAG with an extra GLOCK, AMMUNITION, hard CASH and a BURNER PHONE. --Reece heads down the hall. His almost preternatural calm returning, even as SIRENS wail in the distance. GROWING LOUDER. --Reece kneels and kisses the foreheads of Lauren and Lucy one last time, steeling himself for what’s ahead. --Reece crosses to the back door... but stops at the refrigerator... Lucy’s CRAYON DRAWING, the Reece family totem, hangs there, calling to him... EXT. REECE’S STREET -- NIGHT HIGH WIDE VIEW: Reece exits the back door, and slips across his backyard; while out front, TWO COP CARS speed down the street and stop in front of the house... EXT. REECE’S BACK ALLEYWAY -- NIGHT REECE jumps the back fence and lands in a dark alleyway. He pauses to look at something in his hand. LUCY’S DRAWING. He’s taken it with him. Reece folds the paper and tucks it into his chest pocket, close to his heart. Then he pulls up his hoody and shoulders his backpack. And off James Reece slipping into darkness, readying himself for the war that’s followed him home... END PILOT

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