Terminal, The - pilot


REECE You’re good, kid. Just stay close.

Cortese hits a LEVER. A door lowers in the back of the boat, revealing DARK WATER slipping past the electric engines. INT. WASHINGTON D.C. WAR ROOM -- DAY 5,000 miles away, a dozen POLITICIANS and HIGH LEVEL MILITARY convene in the basement of the Pentagon. If Reece’s SEAL team is the clenched fist of the military, this room is its brain. SECRETARY OF DEFENSE LORRAINE HARTLEY (50s, straight-backed, Civilian) enters a room full of men who stand at attention. SEC DEF HARTLEY Take seats, gentlemen. The men sit around a briefing table. ADMIRAL GERALD PILLAR (55, 3rd Gen Navy) slides Hartley a TABLET COMPUTER. CIA LIAISON

SDF got a tip that Iranian Chemical Warfare specialist Dr. Jahan Kahani is back in Syria. ADMIRAL PILLAR An element from Seal Team 7 is on route. They will secure the compound, capture Kahani and conduct SSE. CIA LIAISON The Ayatollah and Assad end up with egg on their face. It’s a Golden Ticket operation, Madam Secretary.

Sec Def Hartley considers a DRONE FEED of the compound on the wall. A three story house, HEAT SIGNATURES asleep inside. SEC DEF HARTLEY

What about tunnels? There are always tunnels with these guys. I don’t want a repeat of Al-Baghdadi blowing himself up with kids and dogs. ADMIRAL PILLAR There are tunnels, Mam. But this time we know exactly where they are.

EXT. SYRIAN COASTLINE -- NIGHT The grey-skinned boat silently slides to a stop on a coastal inlet. The Platoon leaps out two at a time into waist-deep water. Even the dog hits the water and swims. INTERCUT WITH:

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