INT. TUNNELS -- NIGHT DEEP INTO THE TUNNELS Reece’s men creep forward silently through knee high waste water... Operator Mitchell on point, followed by Zeke and his K9 handler MALLORY... Then Reece who wades through sewage of broken baby dolls & toilet paper. The tunnels reach a FORK... Reece signals a hold to his men. Donny checks the MAP velcro’d to his wrist. DONNY (QUIETLY) Says we go left, boss. Reece pulls off a glove. Holds his hand up. REECE There’s a draft to the right. DONNY I don’t feel it. Reece looks to an operator in the rear, motioning for him to stay and cover the fork at the tunnel. REECE LeCrone, cover down. Lecrone, peels off and stays to guard the split in the tunnels. As the rest of the SEALS move on... INT. DEEPER INTO THE TUNNELS -- NIGHT TILT DOWN: to find the line of SEALs still searching for the access point. The tunnel jogs left into a LARGE SECTION of the old aqueduct. There’s a rounded ceiling with four smaller sanitation tunnels branching off. Up ahead, a GRATE with MOONLIGHT streaming in. Reece breathes easier. REECE (INTO COMMS) Access point, 20 meters. ANGLE ON: A TRIP WIRE hovering just above the knee deep waste water... Donny Mitchell heading right for it, when... ZEKE alerts next to his dog handler MALLORY... Mallory GRABS the back of Mitchell’s PLATE CARRIER... stopping the young operator inches from the booby trap... Beat. Reece holds up a hand. The platoon stops once more... REECE (QUIETLY TO HIS MEN) (CONT’D) E.O.D. up. No comms.
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