Microsoft Word - 415 Cast List - Shooting.doc

CSI:NY Ep. 415 - "DOA for A Day" - Shooting Script - 2/29/08 8.



MAC She endured a tremendous amount of pain. SID She was also suffering from acute dehydration. Her muscles showed signs of atrophy. And take a look at these...

Sid turns the body.

PUSH ZOOM TO: Blotches of redness on

the surface of the back. PUSH OUT TO: SID

On the surface, they appear to be minor abrasions. But in fact... MAC ...They're bed sores. SID Exactly. Mac's eyes go to the victim's wrist. He lifts her hand, reveals linear bruising. MAC Aged linear bruising. Looks like she was bound for an extended period of time. SID I was getting to that, Mac. You're stealing my thunder. He moves to the feet. Lifts the sheet. ANGLE ON the same bruising on her ankles. MAC Her legs as well. And she struggled hard... WHITE FLASH TO: INT. VENETTI MEATS - NIGHT (VERSION) Vic's cuffed wrist & ankles as she struggles to escape. WHITE FLASH TO:




BACK TO SCENE Sid lifts the opposite hand.


PUSH ZOOM TO: A small bruise

on the surface of the skin. PUSH OUT TO:


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