CSI:NY Ep. 415 - "DOA for A Day" - Shooting Script - 2/29/08 47.
Det. Angell makes sure the ND Woman is out of earshot, opens the note, reads it:
Don't move.
MAC She sent someone in first. To make sure is wasn't a trap.
He keeps his eyes trained on the ND Woman who was just with Det. Angell... SEES her PASS ANOTHER WOMAN and nod. This NEW WOMAN is none other than Suspect X! Game on. As Suspect X heads for Det. Angell... A UNIFORMED OFFICER crosses into the park, totally unexpected.
-- Mac and his team react:
MAC Who is that? Where did he come from? DET. FLACK He's not one of ours, Mac. MAC He's going to spook her...
AND HE DOES -- Suspect X stops in her tracks. Turns back toward the street.
-- Mac gives the order:
In a SERIES OF QUICK CUTS: Everyone explodes into motion toward Suspect X. She's off and running -- through the park. She sees Det. Flack sprinting toward her. She reverses her field. -- ESU OFFICERS close from the other side. Suspect X sprints through an opening into the sidewalk. -- Suspect X calmly blends into the moving sea of humanity. She ditches her jacket... then tears off her scarf and her hat. Drops them to the sidewalk. Pulls the hair band releasing her ponytail. She continues forward through the crowd as if her escape route was planned ahead of time -- -- FIND Mac. Moving like a freight train. He scoops up the scarf, peers over heads as he pushes his way through the crowded street. Talking into the microphone on his wrist:
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