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EXT. MORGAN HOUSE - DAY 3 - 09.07 29I 29I Luther and Ripley duck under the tape, head back to the car. In the background, an ambulance arrives. EXT. HOBB LANE - DAY 3 - 10.02 29J 29J Luther and Ripley walk to the station. Luther produces his phone - nods for Ripley to go in ahead of him. Then paces as he dials. SCENE 30 - 33 INCLUSIVE OMITTED EXT. FORD AND VARGAS - DAY 3 - 10.02 34 34 Establishing a hyper-modern office building. On a plaque by the door: FORD AND VARGAS LAW CHAMBERS. Through the glass we see a small figure, ZOE LUTHER, cross the lobby and enter the lift. The lift goes up. INT. FORD AND VARGAS, LIFT/ CORRIDOR TO ZOE’S OFFICE - DAY 3 - 35 35 10.02 In the lift, Zoe’s phone rings. Embarrassed, she snatches it from her handbag. ZOE (low) Zoe Luther. Intercut Zoe walking from the lift to her office and Luther on the street. LUTHER Babe, it’s me. ZOE John...hi! LUTHER So guess what? ZOE What? LUTHER The Board of Inquiry came down on my side. ZOE
Oh, John. That’s such - that’s really good news. That’s great news. I mean, I knew they would, obviously. But - wow. That’s great. That’s really, really great. LUTHER I’m back at work.
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