Luther Ep 01.fdx Script



A DECAYED, POST-INDUSTRIAL STRUCTURE. Wasteland. INT. KTR MEDICO WAREHOUSE, MAIN AREA - NIGHT 1 - 00.01 2 2 HENRY MADSEN - a handsome man in suit and tie - stands alone in this VAST FORSAKEN SPACE. Breathing exerted, afraid. Thinking hard. Scanning the DARK CORNERS for what predators may lurk there - He SPINS, looks behind him. Sees NOTHING. Just darkness and silence. Sound of DRIPPING WATER. His harsh breathing. And a sense of TERRIBLE THREAT in the LOOMING SHADOWS. And now - A FOOTSTEP. Somewhere out there - in the shadows. He takes a SINGLE RETREATING STEP. And another. And a third - faster now, moving backwards - as the ECHOING FOOTSTEPS in the vastness of this terrible place grow CLOSER and CLOSER. And now he’s running - headlong through this awful place - away - just away - EXT. MADSEN HOUSE - NIGHT 1 - 00.02 3 3 A MASSIVE POLICE OPERATION outside an ORDINARY SUBURBAN HOUSE. A UNIFORMED OFFICER emerges, mud covered. Approaches DETECTIVE SUPERINTENDANT ROSE TELLER - who’s looking at a PHOTOGRAPH OF A YOUNG GIRL. TELLER Nothing? The UNIFORMED OFFICER shakes his head. Teller exchanges a pained, anxious look with DETECTIVE INSPECTOR IAN REED. Who shrugs. REED John said she’s here, so she’s here. Keep trying. UNIFORMED OFFICER nods, exits. TELLER Her oxygen ran out two minutes ago. INT. KTR MEDICO WAREHOUSE, VAT ROOM - NIGHT 1 - 00.03 4 4 Madsen has no choice but to scramble up a RUSTY LADDER - which gives on to the VAT ROOM - Only one way out. A STEEL DOOR ON THE OTHER SIDE OF THE CHAMBER.

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