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LUTHER One last time - just to get it absolutely clear in my head. You saw nothing or anyone unusual. ALICE I’m sorry. I wish I could tell you I had. (Beat) I’ve got this feeling, this strange feeling. Like I’m looking at it down the wrong end of a telescope. As if it happened years ago.
Luther pinches his nose, stifles a yawn. LUTHER
That happens. Under stress, we remember things in strange ways. Different parts of the brain take over. He makes a note. Alice’s eyes flick to him as he writes. He drifts off for a moment. Stares at the paper. Dry-washes his face with his hands - then YAWNS, extravagantly. LUTHER Sorry. Long, long day. ALICE A moment. Something in Luther‘s eyes. Alice sees it. Their eyes meet. Something has changed between them. LUTHER Can I get you a coffee, maybe? ALICE A tea would be nice. He stands, aching and stiff. Paperwork under his arm. Exits. INT. SCU, OUTSIDE INTERVIEW ROOM - DAY 3 - 16.18 41 41 He shuts the door. And we see the tiredness was a ruse. He’s full of energy, electrified. He races past Ripley. RIPLEY What’s happening? Luther sweeps past. Stops. Turns. Really. There’s no need. It’s very tiring. Going round and round like this. You must be exhausted.
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