Luther Ep 01.fdx Script


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LUTHER It was her. She did it. INT. SCU, TELLER’S OFFICE - DAY 3 - 16.26 42

42 Teller, Ripley and Luther look at the video feed - a SERENE ALICE. Luther hits a KEY COMBINATION on a laptop. ANGLE ON THE MONITORS: Luther YAWNS, extravagantly. LUTHER Sorry. Long, long day. ALICE Really. There’s no need. Luther hits PAUSE. LUTHER She didn’t yawn. Blank looks. LUTHER Yawning’s contagious. Someone in a room yawns, you yawn too. Even talking about it - (He waits. Teller and Ripley each suppress a yawn.) See? It’s got to do with the parts of the brain that deal with empathy. (taps at the back of his skull, impatient.) She didn’t yawn. She’s a psychopath. TELLER And - he’s back. RIPLEY Nothing in her affect points to survivor guilt - “Why them? Why not me?” That’s pretty atypical. TELLER So her affect’s off. It could be shock - medication. Whatever. LUTHER It could be, except it’s not. RIPLEY

This kind of scenario, an offender typically tries to stage the scene - make it look like murder/suicide, burglary gone wrong. She did none of that.

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