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She raises a feline eyebrow. And Luther grins - satisfied and predatory. Two people - sizing each other up. Knowing each other for what they are...and liking each other. LUTHER So you went up to Oxford at -? ALICE Thirteen. LUTHER
Wow. I mean, that’s very young. It’s bad enough, just being the clever one in the family - these kids, prodigies, they have it really tough. They’re not one thing, they’re not another. Freaks, really. But I expect your parents were proud. ALICE Very. There were newspaper articles - pictures of mum, dad and me, smiling in the library. When I was nine, I proved tan-1X (tangent minus one -x) . They bought me a dress. Got me on the news. LUTHER But still. What must it have been like? You’re thirteen, your classmates are - what? - twenty, twenty-two? No friends your own age. No boyfriends. ALICE That’s quite a presumption. Actually, I matured very early - sexually.
He meets that challenge with unwavering eye. LUTHER You familiar with Ockham’s Razor? ALICE “All things being equal, the simplest solution is the best solution.” LUTHER
Well, what this principle tells me is, the only other person we know to have been in your parents’ house this morning - it was you. ALICE I don’t see how it’s possible to arrive at that conclusion.
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