Luther Ep 01.fdx Script


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I met someone.

LUTHER What do you mean? Met who? ZOE I met someone. LUTHER Who? ZOE Someone. LUTHER What do you mean? When? ZOE A while ago. LUTHER Who? ZOE It doesn’t matter. He stands there, stunned. Trying to work it out, work it through. LUTHER Of course it matters. Are you sleeping with him? ZOE Yes. He’s wounded, stunned, helpless. He paces the floor as if seeking escape - an outlet - but there’s none - - until he explodes with rage - kicks the door - shatters the panels - punches the door - once, twice - and again - and again - finally RIPS IT FROM ITS HINGES and - Stops. Sees Zoe. Looking at him. Not with anger, not even fear - but a sadness that is unendurable. ZOE Just go home, John. LUTHER This is my home. Long beat. ZOE No.

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