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LUTHER Because I don’t think you’d do that unless you were scared - and you wouldn’t be scared unless you thought I might be right. ALICE So you’ve identified my critical defect. Let’s move on. Let’s talk about yours. What’s your weakness? What makes you afraid? LUTHER You do know I can see you, the actual you: I can see the mess two inches behind your eyes. ALICE
Such insight. I wonder - why did your wife turn her face from you, John? Why would she do that? Is it because you shine so bright? Eye contact. She looks at him with great tenderness. Almost pity. But Luther turns away from it. LUTHER I’m coming for you. ALICE Not if I come for you first. He exits. She watches him. Her expression deeply ambiguous. EXT. STREETS BY FORD & VARGAS - DAY 4 - 09.09 64 64 Luther is deep in thought. More shaken by Alice’s words than he first appeared. Thinks. Checks his watch. Scowls. Makes a decision. Walks towards the building. INT. ALICE’S PLACE, KITCHEN - DAY 4 - 09.11 64A 64A Alice is in the kitchen. Deep in thought. Half unconsciously, she’s toying with a VICIOUS HATPIN - moving it through her fingers - round and round, round and round. She turns to leave. Slipping the hatpin up her sleeve. EXT. FORD AND VARGAS - DAY 4 - 09.46 65 65 Through the glass we see Luther enter via the main doors. He strides past reception. Badges the security guards. Vaults the turnstile and strides to the lift.
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