Luther Ep 01.fdx Script


Page 47 .

INT. SCU, BULLPEN - DAY 4 - CONTINUOUS 74 74 - strides to the evidence room. Emerges carrying a BLOWTORCH - INT. SCU, TELLER’S OFFICE - DAY 4 - CONTINUOUS 75 75 - and hares into Teller’s office. TELLER “Knock knock”? LUTHER Sorry? TELLER Never mind. What’s this? Luther picks up a METAL WASTE BASKET, upends it over the floor. Places it upside down on her desk. Teller watches in disbelief. LUTHER So. Her parents get one bullet to the

head each. The dog gets four! Two thirds of the available rounds are spent killing a dog. Why? TELLER It’s a dog. They bite intruders. LUTHER But why the overkill? TELLER Perversity. I don’t know. LUTHER Four bullets to maximise the mess. To make cause of death unambiguous.

Throws down the photo of the DEAD RETRIEVER. LUTHER Because she needed to blast its head apart - if she was going to access its digestive tract. He DUMPS THE PIECES OF GUN on the upended waste bin LUTHER

She disassembles the gun, shoves the pieces, the shell casings, gloves - down the dog’s gullet. Right to its stomach. And then - (turns on the blow-torch) - they cremate the dog. TELLER All right! All right, stop!

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