Luther Ep 01.fdx Script


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(in agony) The living room! For God’s sake, the living room! There’s a - panel - behind the plasterboard -

Luther produces his phone.


Be exact. EXT. MADSEN HOUSE - NIGHT 1 - 00.08



Reed’s phone rings. ANGLE ON THE PHONE: JOHN LUTHER. REED John? (listens. Runs) LIVING ROOM! INT. KTR MEDICO WAREHOUSE, UPPER LEVEL, WALKWAY - NIGHT 1 - 00.08 9 9 Luther waits. MADSEN HEY! HEY! LUTHER Thing is - what if you’re lying? MADSEN I’m not! I’m not lying! Please! INT. MADSEN HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 1 - 00.09 10 10 Reed enters - he’s got a CROW BAR. He’s followed by Teller. Then several UNIFORMED OFFICERS, carrying SLEDGE HAMMERS. Reed hammers and rips at the plasterboard wall, tears down section after section - throws away the crowbar - uses his hands - Teller and a uniformed officer join in. Frantic. INT. KTR MEDICO WAREHOUSE, UPPER LEVEL, WALKWAY - NIGHT 1 - 00.09 11 11 Madsen struggles like a fly on a pin - INT. MADSEN HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 1 - 00.10 12 12 Behind the plasterboard, behind a layer of soundproofing, Reed and Teller find an UPRIGHT, COFFIN-SIZED CONTAINER WRAPPED IN LAGGING. It has an OXYGEN CYLINDER attached. It’s marked with a faded KTR MEDICO logo. The gauge reads: EMPTY. Reed picks up his phone, still connected

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