Luther Ep 01.fdx Script


Page 52 .

ALICE Well, you can kill me if you want. I can’t imagine I’d be able to stop you.

The hand tightens on her throat. She doesn’t fight back. Just fixes him with bright, cold eyes. ALICE Is this what you did to Henry Madsen? Beat. Then Luther lets go. Steps back. A moment of reeling horror - In which Alice revels. ALICE Do you think me a monster? LUTHER

You’re not a monster. You’re broken. You don’t know it’s wrong to take life. ALICE Is it? LUTHER Yes. ALICE Why? LUTHER Because it’s all there is. So it matters. ALICE

We don’t “matter”. We are matter. Set fire to me, I burn. Bury me, I rot. (pointed beat) Drop me, I fall. Luther surveys the room. The mess he’s made - the strewn papers, the ash. LUTHER There’s more than that. ALICE No. There’s nothing. There is absolutely nothing. Luther looks at the ring in the palm of his hand. Passes it through his fingers. LUTHER You’re wrong. There’s love. There is love in the world.

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