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TELLER Oh, good girl. Good girl. Good girl. REED (on phone) We’ve got her! INT. KTR MEDICO WAREHOUSE, UPPER LEVEL, WALKWAY - NIGHT 1 - 00.11 17 17 Luther stares down at Madsen. LUTHER (on phone) Good. He hangs up. In the background, SIRENS APPROACH. Luther glances in their direction. Then back at Madsen. INT. MADSEN HOUSE, LIVING ROOM - NIGHT 1 - 00.12 18 18 Reed thinks a moment, troubled. Seems about to speak. Then changes his mind. Hangs up the phone. INT. KTR MEDICO WAREHOUSE, UPPER LEVEL, WALKWAY - NIGHT 1 - 00.12 19 19 Luther deliberates. Staring at Madsen, hanging there. MADSEN Oh God, please. An unbearably long beat. LUTHER No. Luther LETS GO OF MADSEN’S SHIRT. Madsen CRIES OUT - clings there for a moment - - then his hand SLIPS - slides - a MAD FLURRY as he scrabbles for purchase - a FROZEN BEAT - - and Madsen TUMBLES into the night - down and down into darkness - On Luther’s face as he falls. FADE TO: INT. PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, CORRIDOR - DAY 2 - 11.15 20 20 Reed walks through hospital doors and along a corridor. INT. PSYCHIATRIC HOSPITAL, WARD - DAY 2 - 11.46 21 21 Luther sits, unmoving, almost catatonic. Facing the window. Pulling back, we see that Reed is with him. There’s a CHESS SET between them. Reed moves a BLACK KNIGHT.
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