Microsoft Word - OTS Title Page.docx




JOEL This apartment is going to go in a second. What do you think? MANDY It looks insane. But this is all so sudden. I need to think about it. JOEL Okay. I’ll try to put a hold on it. (willing this to happen) This is going to be amazing. MANDY It will be.

OFF Mandy, uncertain.


INT./EXT. VAN’S TRUCK/PORTILLO’S HOT DOGS - DAY 8 On Violet as she stares out the window, her big eyes, staring vaguely at the world passing by. We hear a man’s voice -- slowly breaking through the barrier of her mind. VAN’S VOICE You okay? (she doesn’t answer) Violet. Violet? Finally she turns to him. This is VAN (late 20s) her working class hero, rough-edged, contractor brother. VAN So you’ll work the french fry

machine. Better than no job at all. Maybe one day John will give you another shot at the register. I’ll talk to him. VIOLET Will you take me shopping? I need to show more boob. (Van ignores this) Celeste says I have good boobs and I should show them off more. VAN Brothers and sisters don’t talk about that stuff. VIOLET Why?

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