Microsoft Word - OTS Title Page.docx





INT. PORTILLO’S HOT DOGS - LATER 11 Violet is with her coworkers on a break. She sucks the last dregs of her 7 Up out of her straw as she leans over her phone looking at Tinder. Her coworkers CELESTE (20s) and TIFF (30s) look at the phone and egg her on. VIOLET It’s a match! He matched me. I have a match! CELESTE Sweet. VIOLET He wants to meet! Seven o’clock tonight at The Violet Hour. CELESTE The Violet Hour. Ooh, he’s got coin. TIFF (looking at the picture) I’d hit that. Another message pops up on the screen. Violet almost jumps out of her skin. VIOLET He super liked me! 12 Wood panels. Card tables. Octogenarian crowd. Something charming and old school about it. Jack intensely finishes playing out a hand across the table from his father, LOU (60s), haimish, funny but a little world-worn. RUTH and IRIS are their elderly opponents. JACK INT. DUPLICATE BRIDGE CLUB - EVENING


Jack of clubs from the table... Six of spades... And the rest are good.

He throws the cards down in triumph-- JACK (CONT’D) Bid four made six, doubled, vulnerable. IRIS Well played, Jack.

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