Microsoft Word - OTS Title Page.docx


INT. CHICAGO - COPPER DAMN PUBLISHING - CONFERENCE ROOM - DAY 1 CLOSE ON JACK (25), his face stoic but intense. We HEAR the world around Jack as he hears it -- an exaggerated tap of a pen against the table, the whoosh of air coming through the vents, a passing siren in the distance outside. These sounds all underline Jack’s agitated state making it hard for him to focus on his boss AUSTIN (late 20s), an up and comer in management who addresses the I.T. TEAM currently sitting around the conference table at this medium sized publishing house. Bits and pieces of what he’s saying emerge through the cacophony of other sounds... AUSTIN’S VOICE

...bound to be tweaks... Re-think how we approach these changes... Many complaints about the new interface...

Jack, growing more and more unnerved, begins to involuntarily mumble back partial phrases of Austin’s, raising the eyebrows of his fellow I.T. Team. AUSTIN

JACK Baby...bathwater...

Rest assured we’re not going to throw out the baby with the bathwater. But this is coming directly from the top. Suze called me directly about her issues. She said she needed to go on a treasure hunt just to get to access the P&L’s.

Directly from the top...

Treasure hunt...

Growing more agitated, Jack rises and starts pacing . Austin becomes more and more distracted by Jack. RICH (early 30s), black, Jack’s co-programmer, chimes in for Jack... RICH He does that. It’s okay. AUSTIN The plan is to go back to the old interface and incorporate as much of the new programming as possible underneath it. Jack can’t take it any more -- he chimes in matter of factly-- JACK That is a very asinine statement. AUSTIN I’m sorry...? RICH Jack...?

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