I miss you. She looks at him. Despite all the tension here we feel an attraction. And suddenly they are kissing. Passionately. Urgently. The front door closes. As they make their way to the bedroom-- SALENA
My sister set me up on a date with a nice Persian guy. A serious guy. VAN Sounds nice. SALENA Fuck you.
His cell phone buzzes. Hiding it from Salena, he takes a quick look at the caller. Shit. Violet. He picks up. SALENA (CONT’D) Are you serious? Van holds a finger, one sec-- VAN (into phone) I’m in a meeting. I’ll call you back. INTERCUT WITH: 15 Violet sits at the table, several empty 7 Ups in front of her and an untouched drink in front of Brad’s empty chair. They talk to each other on the phone: VIOLET INT. THE VIOLET HOUR
I need you to send me money on Apple Cash. The waitress wants me to pay because she thinks my date isn’t coming back but he is coming back. He just went to the bathroom. VAN Date? (realizing) Goddamnit, Violet. Where are you?
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