Microsoft Word - OTS Title Page.docx




JACK Can we talk about the Roomba? LOU Jack, fuck the Roomba, okay? The Roomba is a stupid meaningless toy-- JACK Actually, it’s a robotic vacuum that happens to be a brilliant piece of engineering. LOU You’re 25. Do you want your Dad to be supporting you forever? JACK Yes. LOU (blurting this out) Jack, I have cancer. I’ve been fighting for my life, believe me. And I’m gonna keep fighting but things... They’re not going my way. You need to have a job. You need to remember to pay your rent, and talk to people when they look at you, and when a girl smiles at you, smile back. I need to know you’re going to be okay, Jack. Do you hear me?

Well, that got Jack’s attention. LOU (CONT’D)

There’s a beat.


Yes. Okay. There’s a silence. We wonder what Jack is thinking. What he’ll say. Will he express anything to his father after hearing this news. JACK (CONT’D) Can I eat in silence now? I’d like to focus on my last slice. LOU Sure, Jack.

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