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VIOLET (CONT’D) I hate you! I hate you! I hate you! VAN Right back at you.

As he drags her out of the bar.


EXT. FOYER / STREET - NIGHT 18 Harrison walks down the street as Mandy stands in the foyer, guiding him through his bluetooth. A bike delivery guy shoots past him on the sidewalk, yelling at him in Spanish. HARRISON I’m going to turn back. MANDY No. HARRISON I am. MANDY No you’re not. He sees a dog. He looks terrified. Mandy too is terrified. HARRISON Please can I turn back? MANDY No Harrison. You can’t. HARRISON There’s a dog. MANDY Just go right past it. HARRISON I can’t. MANDY Yes, you can. I know you can. Harrison continues. Walks the gauntlet. Passes the dog. Gets to the coffee shop. Success! HARRISON I did it.

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