INT. PORTILLO’S HOT DOGS - DAY 2 VIOLET (25) stands at the register of this fast-food style restaurant. She is striking, with a subtle but distinct speech impediment which makes her sound much younger than her years, one of the many signs we will learn about her other- ness. Index cards are pasted below the register -- reminders. “Welcome to Portillo’s.” “Smile.” “Give change.” “Fill soda to top of cup.” “Thank you for your patronage.” ANDREW (early 30s), flannel and jeans, steps up. She smiles. VIOLET Welcome to Portillo’s. Violet finds herself distracted, attracted to him. ANDREW Yeah, hi. Can I get a chili dog, a Maxwell Street Dog. Two cheese fries please and two medium Cokes. She rings him up. Smiles again. VIOLET That’s twenty-two dollars and forty- five cents. You have nice eyes. ANDREW Oh. Thanks. She laughs. Her laugh is a little off. But he is flattered, not the kind of guy used to being flirted with. She fills two Cokes from the machine... VIOLET We should have a date. He laughs a little. She laughs again. Again her laugh feels a little off. His body language pulls back, but she doesn’t read it. VIOLET (CONT’D) The first date could be something fun and silly -- like an arcade. That’s what Cosmo online says. She hands him two three-quarter filled sodas. Realizing, she grabs them back -- takes them back to refill them-- ANDREW Oh, um--
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