As for the charges of racism, bullying and misogyny. This is not the Ms. Fitzgerald I know. She gets on the elevator and turns to face us. LAWRENCE O’DONNELL(CONT'D) But we live in a time when these charges must be taken seriously and dealt with by Ms. Fitzgerald and her employer, the Vanguard. And with that, the elevator door and this chapter of Eileen Fitzgerald’s life, closes. EXT. STREET, ISLAMORADO, FLORIDA KEYS - DAY A painfully bright day in a place far, far away. Eileen is walking along a busy two lane highway, as cars speed past. She’s dressed in jeans and an old t-shirt, wearing dark sunglasses and carrying a PLASTIC BAG OF GROCERIES. EXT. STREET, ISLAMORADO, THE FLORIDA KEYS - LATER Eileen walks down a quiet side street, the closer we get the worse she looks. She’s obviously been through the ringer. She approaches a line of identical WHITE CONDOS. Simple but nice, each with their own prefab white picket fence. She spots a MAN (60’s) with a rumpled academic look, sitting on the steps of one condo, buried in his phone. Eileen pauses for a minute, then pushes the gate open letting the door slam behind her. The Man looks up from his phone. MAN (Smiling) Hi Fitzgerald. EILEEN (Flatly) Stanley. STANLEY Your hair’s shorter. EILEEN You haven’t seen me in twelve years. Why are you here?
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