STANLEY You wouldn’t return my calls so I thought I’d pop by. EILEEN ‘Pop by’. From Alaska. Stanley shrugs, a wry smile on his face. Something’s up. INT. EILEEN’S CONDO - LATER Eileen leads Stanley inside. She’s tense. Stanley glances around the place, it’s simply furnished and a bit of mess. STANLEY Airbnb? EILEEN Bought it years ago. She sets her bag down next to a row of empty WINE BOTTLES. STANLEY I never thought of you as a fun in the sun kind of gal. EILEEN Well now you know. There’s a real edge to Eileen. She’s changed, flat. The spark is gone. Stanley notices some PAPERS on the table. STANLEY You working on something? Eileen ignores him, busies herself with the groceries. STANLEY (CONT'D) Your side of the story? (Off her look. What else?) I’d like to hear it. EILEEN You can buy the book. STANLEY They should’ve had your back. EILEEN
Yeah, well they saw the Twitter mob coming and they ran the other way.
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