

GABRIEL I do. And I just have to say, I’m a huge fan of you and your work. It’s

truly inspirational to meet you and... drive you. Regardless of what happened, you know with your last story. Eileen can only nod and take it on the chin... this kid. EXT. SPENARD, EILEEN’S LODGINGS - LATER Eileen slams the door in a quiet neighborhood. It’s a quirky mix of small houses and trailer parks. It’s got an edge. They are in the driveway of an A-frame house with a porch. Gabriel leads her to the front door. GABRIEL It’s nice, right? Trust me, this Airbnb was by far the best for the price. I stocked your fridge. Just the basics. Am I talking too much? EILEEN Right on the edge. GABRIEL Copy. Here are the keys and a sleep mask. He holds out the MASK and KEYS. Eileen only takes the keys. EILEEN Thanks but I don’t use a mask. GABRIEL won’t set until about eleven thirty. You should take it. He keeps holding it out. Eileen finally snatches it. GABRIEL (CONT'D) Shall I show you around inside? EILEEN No. Good night Gabriel. GABRIEL See you in the morning. Can’t wait! First timers from the lower 48 have trouble with the daylight. The sun

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