

Eileen lowers her paper to see a STRIP MALL. EILEEN

This isn’t it. Where’s the big glass lobby with white pillars? GABRIEL Oh. That was the old building. The paper moved three years ago. (whispering) Downsizing.

INT. LOBBY, ADN - LATER Gabriel leads Eileen through the tiny lobby. One FEMALE RECEPTIONIST (40’s) who never looks up. Never. GABRIEL (Without stopping) Hi Janice. This is Eileen Fitzgerald. She’s starting today, I have a key card for her. (Turning to Eileen) I think she might be deaf. Gabriel keys the metal door and leads Eileen into... INT. ADN NEWSROOM - SAME So it’s not the Vanguard. But it still looks like a newsroom. Just a much smaller, emptier, oddly shaped version of one. There are about 15 people scattered about working at their desks. No one really takes notice of Eileen. GABRIEL

Your desk is right over here if you wanna drop your coat. I left you some new pads and pens. EILEEN (She drops her coat) Why is it so quiet? GABRIEL Is it? EILEEN Yeah. Extremely. It’s depressing.

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