EILEEN If the cops entered the apartment of a private citizen, they should provide the unit number. BOB They feel differently. EILEEN What about the CAD notes? BOB We don’t have access to them.
Eileen reacts.
EILEEN To CAD notes? Those are public record. They’re hiding something. BOB You don’t know that. EILEEN Wanna bet? STANLEY Eileen, we’ve had a deteriorating relationship with Anchorage PD. They’re no longer prioritizing media requests. EILEEN So sic legal on them. STANLEY Our legal is not as effective with the PD as we like him to be. EILEEN He’s a wimp or just no good?
Now it’s just getting awkward. Apparently, Eileen left her manners back in... well she never really had manners. BOB
Charlie’s a very nice guy. He’s very well respected in this town. EILEEN Good for Charlie but you don’t need a nice guy. You need a jerk who gets records.
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